

芭芭拉Kolbl | 2023年9月

R =风险管理-美光安全存储器

While functional safety requirements have historically been addressed by automotive tier 1s and OEMs, with the increasing system-level complexity and electronics associated with today’s and tomorrow’s vehicles, functional safety is 清晰的ly becoming a greater focus for semiconductor suppliers. Through its products in its automotive product portfolio that are JEDEC-compliant and designated as automotive-qualified, 微米 addresses the automotive industry’s need for functional safety support that follows 微米’s designated SAFER methodology. 今天可用,并准备生产, 在其SAFER框架下设计的美光LPDDR5内存, is a solution designed for the industry’s most complex advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS).


The accelerated deployment of ADAS in today’s vehicles emphasizes the importance of functional safety. Significantly increased performance requirements of ADAS in today’s vehicles emphasize the importance of functional safety for semiconductors as OEMs and Tier 1s develop safety critical ECUs with more 和更多的 semiconductor content. Functional safety is growing in importance as in-vehicle infotainment features become intertwined with ADAS, 从而影响系统级功能安全. 在系统级别, 半导体存储器和存储设备需要满足严格的安全要求, 比如ISO 26262.

ISO 26262 defines functional safety as the “absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctioning behavior of electrical/electronic systems.” The standard also says that malfunctions are classified into two failure types: systematic failures and random failures. The two key components of functional safety — systematic 故障覆盖率 and random 故障覆盖率 — focus on supporting the device to operate as designed and intended such that, 当间歇性, 出现随机错误, 它们可以被标记. By flagging random faults, the overall system can analyze these faults and respond appropriately.

Risk mitigation for systematic failures is performed by implementing several additional measures in the development process of semiconductors:

  • 教育(例如对员工进行ISO 26262培训)
  • Organizational (such as having a dedicated safety office and earning external or internal safety certifications)
  • 信息(例如提供额外的文档和评审需求)

Each additional ASIL (automotive safety integrity level) requires more steps in the product development process. ASIL D是最严格的功能安全认证, thereby having the greatest number of steps added to the product development process.

符合ISO 26262,降低风险

而一个完全的ISO 26262, ASIL-D-certified component delivers the most stringent safety level for the integrator, ISO 26262标准概述了三种替代方案, 解决系统故障风险等级降低的公认方法:

  • Evaluation of quality management hardware (QM HW) elements (hardware evaluation)
  • 经过验证的QM HW元素
  • ASIL分解

根据ISO 26262标准, 用于III类硬件元件, the hardware evaluation methodology can only be used for a transitional period as per ISO 26262-8:2018, 条款13.4.4.1, the next version of the hardware element is planned to be developed in compliance with ISO 26262. 为将来的设计使用相同的III类设备, 该设备应通过正式的合规认证过程. If an existing part that has been certified compliant to the ISO 26262 specification is available in the market, this device should be used in the design rather than employing a hardware evaluation approach. This choice manages risk, reduces integration complexity and ultimately reduces overall cost.

LPDDR DRAM should be classified as a Class III HW element The HW element classification according to the criteria ISO 26262-8, 条款13.4.1.1.

分类标准表 分类标准表
沙巴体育结算平台, 不像硬件评估, it can lead to significantly increased total system cost and number of components due to redundancy. 另外, 因为ASIL分解侧重于故障检测而不是避免, 这可能会对整个系统的可用性产生重大影响.




而实现目标ASIL kpi的替代方案是可用的, the approach with the lowest risk and fastest time to market is to employ an ASIL-D-certified/compliant component like 微米’s LPDDR5 ASIL-D-compliant memory.


了解有关业界首个符合jedec标准的ISO 26262的更多信息, ASIL-D-certified /兼容的内存, 哪些在今天的生产中可用. 有关更多详细信息,请参考 功能安全页面 在微米.Com获取见解 DRAM在安全关键型汽车系统中的应用, 汽车大趋势 和更多的.




This series provides insight and guidance when considering breakthrough automotive memory solutions and support. SAFER包含五个关键概念:(S) 目前业界最安全的解决方案, (A) 汽车的心态, (F) 故障覆盖率, (E) 工程的领导 (四)风险管理. Each letter associated with the acronym SAFER has a corresponding blog with associated content. 查看美光的功能安全页面,了解更多博客信息: 功能安全先行|美光科技有限公司.

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Hardware element classification criteria from functional safety consultancy firm, exida.1

The proven-in-use quality management (QM) hardware elements approach relies on evaluating the profile of return material and is based on a low number of return merchandise authorization (RMAs). This approach can justify their use in a safety application and requires about five million components in the field.

这种方法也可能需要四到六年的时间才能获得ASIL-D认证. 考虑到供应链可能出现的延迟, 运输量和营业时间, 经过使用验证的方法提供了较低级别的安全保证, 具有固有的高风险,不建议作为可持续的方法.

ASIL分解在ISO26262-9:2018条款5中有描述. 简单来说, ASIL分解 is a structured way of adding redundancy to the system to reduce the required ASIL for parts of the system. 而ASIL分解可以用于连续几代沙巴体育结算平台, 不像硬件评估, it can lead to significantly increased total system cost and number of components due to redundancy. 另外, 因为ASIL分解侧重于故障检测而不是避免, 这可能会对整个系统的可用性产生重大影响.


而实现目标ASIL kpi的替代方案是可用的, the approach with the lowest risk and fastest time to market is to employ an ASIL-D-certified/compliant component like 微米’s LPDDR5 ASIL-D-compliant memory.

了解有关业界首个符合jedec标准的ISO 26262的更多信息, ASIL-D-certified /兼容的内存, 哪些在今天的生产中可用. 有关更多详细信息,请参考 功能安全页面 在微米.Com获取见解 DRAM在安全关键型汽车系统中的应用, 汽车大趋势 和更多的.


This series provides insight and guidance when considering breakthrough automotive memory solutions and support. SAFER包含五个关键概念:(S) 目前业界最安全的解决方案, (A) 汽车的心态, (F) 故障覆盖率, (E) 工程的领导 (四)风险管理. Each letter associated with the acronym SAFER has a corresponding blog with associated content. 查看美光的功能安全页面,了解更多博客信息: 功能安全先行|美光科技有限公司.

1. exida is a product certification and knowledge company specializing in automation system safety and other areas of safety expertise.

Sr. DRAM沙巴体育结算平台线运营经理


芭芭拉Kolbl, 高级沙巴体育结算平台线运营经理, 对汽车行业的变化着迷吗. Her previous role in marketing communication for the automotive market segment along with her current role in LPDRAM operations allows her a front row seat to the changes happening in this dynamic market.

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