
Emerging technology — 微米 合资企业’ view of 2022 和 beyond, part 2

安德鲁·伯恩斯, Gayathri (G) Radhakrishnan | March 2022

在美光风险投资公司,我们将美光的血汗钱投资于早期的科技创业公司. Many of our peers in 微米 have a legitimate one-word question for us: Why?

2022年, 我们将分享两位美光创投(微米 合资企业)董事的观点,探讨他们从创业界看到的技术趋势,以及2022年及以后可能影响科技世界的未来趋势. 在本博客的第一部分中,你读到了G Radhakrishnan的观点,第二部分则是Andy Byrnes的观点.

Andy, the tree-hugging wild card
个性化体验和可持续性是我认为将在2022年继续爆发的两大趋势. Both heavily affect businesses in good 和 bad ways.

Personalizing work 和 technology interfaces
Imagine what the last two years would have been like without video conferencing!

The p和emic accelerated the world’s journey to remote work by several decades, 和 there is no going back. Companies big 和 small are embracing technology interfaces — screens, phones 和 VR headsets — as surrogates for in-person work. 美光风投正在投资并培养那些将新能力推向市场的创新者. Consider just a few recent examples:

  • 这样的公司 整体|一个 are enabling collaboration over augmented 和 mixed reality, 消除了团队成员跨越大洋进行面对面交流的需要.
  • Pryon, an enterprise artificial intelligence (AI) startup, is working to make data instantly 和 securely 搜索able, 显著增加全球团队成员之间的信息流,使他们能够共同做出更复杂的决策, faster than ever before.

这些数字协作解决方案的关键要素是数据以及日益增长的可用性和数据源的多样性. With digital workplace interfaces 和 environments, 收集和使用数据来提高我们自己以及我们团队和运营的绩效变得越来越容易.

这里的关键是我们如何定义更好,以及技术和人类行为如何相互作用. Technology provides opportunities 和 challenges for companies with diverse sets of teams (old 和 young; U.S.-, Asia- or European-based; 和 others) to adapt to new ways of doing business synergistically.

Several emerging trends promise to allow companies (including 微米!) to radically rethink where, how 和 when teams work together:

  • 原型远程工作概念可能需要几年或几十年才能实现大规模采用,但现在已经迅速演变为企业级沙巴体育结算平台, making it easier to scale beyond small teams. 例如, 收集 和 Hopin are leading the way in virtual conferences 和 events, 连接来自世界各地的公司,分享新想法,保持创新活力.
  • 边缘设备的计算能力正在爆炸式增长,给个人带来了更大的超能力. With the evolution of AI chipsets at the edge, 我们将见证利用数据更好地完成工作的新应用程序的爆炸式增长.

从物理到广泛使用的数字和虚拟工作空间的转变需要更高的数据强度. 微米 is a fundamental pillar in this evolution, 在提高密度和功耗点的基础内存和存储的性能和容量方面提供令人难以置信的增长. From leadership in foundational technologies 和 global manufacturing, 我们可以设想新技术和使用模型如何从协作中受益. We’re lucky on the 微米 合资企业 team to be involved with the transition; we’re lucky to engage with the startups that are pushing the envelope the hardest!

Decarbonizing everything, especially manufacturing
The phrase “Think globally, act locally” has taken on new meaning in the face of the COVID-19 p和emic. From adhering to shelter-in-place m和ates to wearing masks to getting vaccines, most of us have had to change our everyday habits, in sometimes painful ways, to fight through one of the biggest battles we’ll face in our lifetimes.

Of course, a global response to a p和emic is an incredible priority. 但我们不应忘记可持续性和应对气候变化的挑战,以确保我们地球的未来. 美光在四个方面制定了具体的长期环境可持续性目标, 能源, 水和废物. As reported in our 可持续性 Report, 我们的目标是在CY18的基础上在CY30的水平上减少75%的单位生产温室气体(GHG), 100% renewable 能源 in the U.S. in CY25, 75% water conservation through reuse, recycling 和 restoration in CY30. We are working toward 95% reuse, 循环再造, 和 zero hazardous waste to the l和fill in CY30.

美光风投在提升美光的地位以应对可持续发展挑战方面发挥了积极作用. 过去的18个月, 美光风投与美光的制造和设施团队合作,确定可以帮助美光加速可持续发展转型的初创企业. And here are just a couple of opportunities we’ve taken:

  • 我们合作过 Aquamembranes 将其独特的膜间隔技术沙巴体育结算平台化,使我们的行业在现场水处理中实现阶梯式节能.
  • 我们创建了 first pan-industry pitch event 美光和整个半导体行业的合作伙伴正在接近创业公司的世界,共同确定, support 和 scale the technologies necessary to meet our goals

微米 embraced sustainability objectives early 和 holistically. 我们显然有动力并致力于向可持续制造业务转型. And we are certainly not alone, customers, politicians 和 the Earth itself agree. But all will acknowledge, this transition is going to be brutally hard.

气候变化的警钟已经敲响了几十年,现在已经到了白热化的地步. Fixing the many causes 和 contributors to global warming is not easy. It needs cleaner technologies, different sources of power 和 more. 但现在,美光等公司在全球范围内推动了这一转变. 我们会做到的!


  • 创业公司一样 Turntide 和 电氢 are completely reimagining traditional mechanical architectures, 在电机和原材料生产方面创造了巨大的工业效率提升.
  • 这样的公司 碱式碳酸铜 use data from buildings 和 factories to identify 能源 savings opportunities.
  • Even much-maligned fusion technology has gotten a big boost with Commonwealth Fusion Systems 筹集数十亿美元,在十年内将安全、可扩展的聚变反应堆推向市场.

工业可持续发展的理念——脱碳制造——现在无处不在, 而像美光这样的制造公司就成了这些人(比如我们的客户)的目标, politicians 和 the Earth) dem和ing near-term change. Some may not agree with it 和 the path won’t be linear or easy. But we cannot deny it’s disruptive; we cannot deny the need to work together to make it happen.

What an awesome, AWESOME time to be working in technology.

Director, Venture Capital - Artificial Intelligence


Andy is with 微米’s AI fund investing in some of the world’s top startups. He’s a recovering startup founder, 作家, 和 solar/battery materials geek, 和 when he’s not thinking about technology innovation 和 startups, he’s probably running or doing something weird with his young’uns. And he’s big on words like “young’uns.”

Senior Director, Corporate Development

Gayathri Radhakrishnan

G is with 微米 合资企业, investing from our AI fund. 她投资于利用人工智能和机器学习解决制造业关键问题的初创公司, 卫生保健, 汽车及其他行业. She brings 20 years of multidisciplinary experience across product management, 沙巴体育结算平台营销, 企业战略, M&A 和 venture investments.